
Thanks, Flickr!

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Some cool photo magazine images:

Thanks, Flickr!
photo magazine
Image by Ashley Dinges
Thank you Flickr! The publisher of this new magazine in Ann Arbor called [shOuts] found my photos on here and asked for this one for the cover.

Check out: www.shoutsonline.com or pick up a free copy if you live in Ann Arbor

photo magazine
Image by tubblesnap
Inspired by junior winner in Digital Photo magazine (still life). Involved tweezers and 2 spoons.

Dark Energy
photo magazine
Image by MoHotta18
A Photo A Day - Mar 3, 2010.

I brought this magazine with me to work to pass the time when we're slow, but during the day with all the trainees and the call volume it's been impossible. I have the early rest period tonight so I'll have to be back up at 1am. I'll probably get to read some of this tonight in the middle of the night.

The article that caught my eye has something to do with a new theory on brain activity. I have no idea what it's about, but I can't wait to read it. I'm one of those people who likes to know how things work.
