
Cool Photo Edit Online images

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Check out these photo edit online images:

Zinnia, Center Macro
photo edit online
Image by cobalt123
A close-up view of a small pink zinnia, seen in the early morning, Iowa City, Iowa. While waiting for my sons to wake from a brief stop, I was out enjoying the Midwest flowers and plants that I have been missing since living in Arizona. This photo from the road was edited online in Picnik, so it will be good to see how it actually comes out when viewed on a monitor.

365/362: New Adventures
photo edit online
Image by riekhavoc (caught up?)
With my new passport, I can board news planes to go to new countries and have new adventures!

It's actually kind of a miracle that it worked out. Last week, I realized I didn't have six months til my passport expires that's required to enter Ecuador. Fortunately, there's a passport office in Philly, and they were able to turn my passport around in a very sort amount of time. But the office was closed on Monday, so I was worried b/c I had a flight Tuesday at 11:30am. Well, as you can see from this photo, it all worked out and now I'm in Quito, Ecuador!

I'm not sure how much uploading I'll be doing for the next few days. Internet may be scarce. I'm lucky now to have my sister's laptop and the ability to edit online. So I apologize to my fellow 365ers for not being there at the end of the project. I'm going to do my best to get online and at least upload a photo on the 31st, but I'm not sure how much more time I"ll have than that. Because I'm on an adventure!!!

For December MSH "new"
