
Cool Photo Studio images

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Check out these photo studio images:

Studio panorama
photo studio
Image by juhansonin
Newly painted upper walls (pumpkin).
Newly constructed wall (on the left, creating a nook for the printer).

iOS view: dl.dropbox.com/u/40223/studio/invo_studio_panorama.360

360 app: itunes.apple.com/us/app/360-panorama/id377342622?mt=8

Studio Jyv
photo studio
Image by Olly F
My new studio in Jyväskylä, Finland.

Rice Studio interior
photo studio
Image by The Library of Virginia
Title: Rice Studio interior

Creator: Adolph B. Rice Studio

Date: March 24, 1960

Identifier: Rice Collection 2769E

Format: 1 negative, safety film, 4 x 5 in.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Virginia, Prints and Photographs, 800 E. Broad St., Richmond, VA, 23219, USA, digitool1.lva.lib.va.us:8881/R
