
Macro Background Print 14

Large Rectangle

Some cool change background image images:

Macro Background Print 14
change background image
Image by Jason Weymouth Photography
Add different colored backgrounds to macro shots to change the look of the subject. These 20 different backgrounds were all natural subjects but shot deliberately out of focus to get the desired result. Grass, foliage, and flower combinations were used in each photo. These prints are best printed to matt paper, artboard, or styrene 8.5”x11” or 10"x15" or 11”x14” sizes so there is less risk of reflection when placed behind the subject, especially if a mirror, reflector, or flashgun is to be used to expose the image.

Macro Background Print 7
change background image
Image by Jason Weymouth Photography
Add different colored backgrounds to macro shots to change the look of the subject. These 20 different backgrounds were all natural subjects but shot deliberately out of focus to get the desired result. Grass, foliage, and flower combinations were used in each photo. These prints are best printed to matt paper, artboard, or styrene 8.5”x11” or 10"x15" or 11”x14” sizes so there is less risk of reflection when placed behind the subject, especially if a mirror, reflector, or flashgun is to be used to expose the image.

Macro Background Print 17
change background image
Image by Jason Weymouth Photography
Add different colored backgrounds to macro shots to change the look of the subject. These 20 different backgrounds were all natural subjects but shot deliberately out of focus to get the desired result. Grass, foliage, and flower combinations were used in each photo. These prints are best printed to matt paper, artboard, or styrene 8.5”x11” or 10"x15" or 11”x14” sizes so there is less risk of reflection when placed behind the subject, especially if a mirror, reflector, or flashgun is to be used to expose the image.
