
Cool Free Photo Software images

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Some cool free photo software images:

Guido van Rossum PyCon 2013
free photo software
Image by eschipul
Description from the PyCon 2013 mobile guidebook "Guido van Rossum is the author of the Python programming language. He continues to serve as the "Benevolent Dictator For Life" (BDFL), meaning that he continues to oversee the Python development process, making decisions where necessary. He is currently employed by Dropbox."

This photo is Creative Commons Attribution. You are free to use it with attribution of "photo by Tendenci.org" or "photo by Ed Schipul".

SoftRock 5.0 Software Defined Radio
free photo software
Image by The Rocketeer
I got my SDR kit in the mail today from Tony Parks, KB9YIG. I will hopefully soon have a 40 meter receiver plugged into my computer from these tiny bags of parts.

I ordered it at the SDR website.

Here's a link to some photos of the Finished Product.

Once finished, you plug this into your computer via the sound card and you can tune the band with free software that you use on your computer.
