
Cool Photo Software images

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Check out these photo software images:

Corn in the Corn
photo software
Image by Stephen A. Wolfe
My photo of the day for yesterday's was a picture of Andi in a corn field, and now here's the corn!

Nikon D700; AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4; exposure: 1/250 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 500; post-processed with Adobe Photoshop CS5, Apple Aperture3, and Nik Software
Color Efex Pro 4 and Silver Efex Pro 2.

Andi Photographs a Tree
photo software
Image by Stephen A. Wolfe
The third and final photo in my redwood series. Hmm... could be made into a triptych.

Nikon D700; AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4; exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/8, ISO 6400; post-processed with Adobe Photoshop CS5, Apple Aperture3, and Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 and Silver Efex Pro 2.
