
Cool Photo Sites images

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Late Pleistocene Sites
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Image by Travis S.
The Clovis culture is the first well-established culture in the Americas. It first shows up in the archaeological record around 11,200 years ago and extends until 10,800 years ago when it is mostly replaced by the Folsom technology.

To confuse matters however, sites have been popping up all across the Western Hemisphere that point at earlier occupations that push back occupation dates further in time. Those in North America that aren't in Canada are more-or-less accepted. Only Monte Verde in South America is widely accepted.

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Image by roberthuffstutter
This photo has notes. It will show you where panthers and wild dogs were sighted. It shows where the old wooden town once stood. You will see the old yates store place. You will see cliff betz's pond where i caught my first large mouth bass in 1966.
