Check out these photo magazine images:
PhotonQ-Published in SEED Magazine =)
Image by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE
A great suprise tonight. One of my PhotonQ was published on the first page of SEED the great scientific magazine. Thanks a lot for the opportunity Joe, and the great CC Creative Commons license !
SEED is a science magazine published bimonthly and distributed internationally. Each issue looks at big ideas in science, important issues at the intersection of science and society, and the people driving global science culture.
The second suprise came from the article itself =)
SEED - The Multiverse Problem
Is theoretical physics becoming the next battleground in the culture wars? Not according to some theologians and scientists, who see multiverse theory as evidence of god...
HAHA =) The connection surprised me but Loved it !!!
The magazine publishes original writing from scientists and science journalists. Scientists who have contributed recently to the magazine include: James D. Watson, Freeman Dyson, Lisa Randall, Martin Rees, Steven Pinker, E.O. Wilson, and Daniel Dennett, Craig Venter etc... wikipedia
"Spiders in Focus" Article in the December 2011 Issue of National Geographic Magazine!
Image by Thomas Shahan
Well - a year after first contact - I've been featured in National Geographic Magazine.
This month's issue (Dec. 2011) of National Geographic will include a 3 page spread about my work with Oklahoma's jumping spiders!
Be forewarned though - apparently there are varying editions of National Geographic for different regions - some run the Photo Journal section I'm published in and some don't. I have no way of knowing which areas receive what, but I have received emails from folks getting my issue from Brazil to England. So fingers crossed your area has it!
For those of you who would just like to read the article online:
In other news - I'll be graduating from college here in a few days and it is painfully cold here in Oklahoma. Hopefully I can dig through my archives and pull out a couple unappreciated beauties for you guys during these winter months!
Copyright Infringement in Ideal Life Magazine نقض حقوق مولف در مجله زندگی ایدهآل
Image by eshare
Ideal Life magazine published a photo of my brother and me, taken by our mother, without our permission and against our will. The image was copyrighted under Creative Commons License (by-nc-nd) meaning that:
Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
Unfortunately, Ideal Life magazine violated all of the above. There was no attribution, they used it in a highly commercial bimonthly magazine, and they somehow modified it. It seems that they do not like to pay for photos; they just hire someone to surf the Internet, and choose some free photos for them.
Thanks to Ms. Youssefi for letting me know about this act of copyright infringement.
After a few days, I found that the person in charge of this illegal act was Mr. Reza Saemi.
Two other cases of copyright infringement and using my photos illegally in Hamshahri Newspaper and Gardeshgar Monthly.
مجله زندگی ایدهآل عکس قدیمی من و برادرم را که توسط مادر گرفته شده است بدون اجازه و بدون رضایت ما چاپ کرده است. این عکس تحت لایسنس (مجوز) کرییتیو کامنز منتشر شده بود. استفاده از این عکس آزاد است مشروط بر اینکه نام صاحب عکس ذکر شود، از عکس استفاده تجاری نشود، و عکس هیچگونه تغییری ننماید. مجله زندگی ایدهآل هر سه مورد فوق را نقض کرده است: هیچ اشاره ای به صاحبان عکس ننموده است، بک گراند عکس را تغییر داده است، و آنرا در یک مجله کاملاً تجاری که بیش از نیمی از صفحات آن آگهی است، چاپ کرده است. جالب اینکه این مجله با نقض آشکار ماده 18 قانون مطبوعات حتی نام مدیر مسئول خود را نیز ذکر نکرده است. در بخش مشخصات مجله که در صفحه 17 به سختی پیدا می شود، صاحب امتیاز مجله شرکت هفت هنر سفید با هیئت مدیره محمد جانی علی آبادی، سید محمدرضا حسینیان، محمدحسن محسنی، محمدرضا محسنی، و رضا صائمی معرفی شده است.
با تشکر از سرکارخانم یوسفی که مرا در جریان این نقض حقوق مولف قرار دادند.
بعد از چند روز من متوجه شدم که فرد مسئول در این عمل خلاف قانون آقای رضا صائمی بوده است.
دو مورد دیگر از نقض حقوق مولف و استفاده غیرقانونی از عکسهای من در روزنامه همشهری و ماهنامه گردشگر