A few nice photo gift images I found:
Gift fom Tig and Gail
Image by tamouse
Gift I received fom Tig and Gail cause they said it reminded them of me :)
Gift Holder from Recycled Cardboard Tube ~ 1 of 3 photos
Image by Urban Woodswalker
I save all the cardboard tubes from toilet paper.
I came up with a small gift holder/ tree ornament, using the tube, scraps of gift wrap paper, and snips of ribbon. Its a great way to use all the tiny scraps left after wrapping all the bigger presents. Additionally, broken bits of jewelry, charms, etc can add sparkle, like the tiny metal snow flake here. I even reuse crumploed bits fo tissue papers....they won't really make a difference in something like this.
Whats nice is that these can hold the gifts, AND be tree ornaments. Take the gift out carefully, and you still have a lovely permanent ornament...or a gift package for next year too.
See next photo:
Jason's Gift Trap Photo
Image by merfam
Gift Trap chose one of my photos from Flickr to include as a game card, cool huh?