
Cool Heart Image images

Large Rectangle

Some cool heart image images:

"Let there be love" - Valentine Video Art by mimitalks, married w/children (view in HD)
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Image by mimitalks, married, under grace
Showing and sharing digital designs from my heart (pun intended) for personal use here: www.flickr.com/photos/mimitalks/8453394349/in/photostream

"red hot glowing love" - digital Valentine (or anytime!) design by mimitalks, married w/children
heart image
Image by mimitalks, married, under grace
final frame from this video art entitled Hearts Attack and Shades of Blue - on Flickr

heart image
Image by mimitalks, married, under grace
This started out to be artistic, but I realized it is indicative of how deep she is
in my heart, regardless of how torn and tattered it is from our last few days...
Please pray for us to have a few days of peace...even as she turns 13.
