
Passport photo

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Check out these passport photo images:

Passport photo
passport photo
Image by InstaDerek
Written on the back of this photo:

AGE 22

I initially thought my grandfather may have added his signature at the top of the photo in later years for some reason, since the blue ink is so well-preserved. Now, however, I think he probably signed it in 1926 before his first use of the passport. His cursive rendering of his name at the beginning of the journal pages matches this one, as opposed to his writing of his name years later on the inside cover page as part of his expository labeling of the little book. I'm certainly not a handwriting expert, but to my eye the (presumably) earlier signature on this photo looks a bit slower and more careful. His later script looks more fluid and assured, the lower-case letters shallowly formed, consistent with the manner of one who had been composing all his personal and professional documents by hand for decades (as he would his entire life, being of a generation of men who were not expected to type).

I do not have the entire passport, only this photo from it. I decided not to retouch the scratches, staple holes, asymmetry and such, but rather preserve the wear and tear that likely was sustained while the passport was in use.

Passport Photos
passport photo
Image by privatenobby
Had my passport photos done today. I was a little upset that I had to take my glasses off for them but happy that I retain some 1920s rapist look. I look well 'ard. Those are they eyes of a puppy murderer for sure.
