
Nice Edit Image photos

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Some cool edit image images:

Mountain Dew in Canada or 'The quest for Caffeine'
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Image by dbarronoss
In the US, Mountain Dew (from Pepsi) has a higher level of caffeine than coffee. It seems that the Canadian product is caffeine free. Is there a ban on adding caffeine to products in Canada?
One tired photographer, who was up from 4 AM till 11:30 pm almost every day....could sure have used his own brand of caffeine. I made it...but barely :) My mind is still not quite all here...I'm about to go back to bed for a bit before going back to work this morning.

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Image by Nina Matthews Photography
Check your setting if you want no one to use your photos
if you want to ask to use a photo drop the person a email that is always very nice
and well manned tooo :D
