
Nice Passport Photo photos

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Check out these passport photo images:

New Passport
passport photo
Image by mexican 2000
Here's my new picture on my new passport. They cropped it a lot, but I guess it's still OK.

* um... welcome digg users. For those who are wondering, the pincer-like "beard" is not actually a beard, but is in fact a set of pincers.

** reddit users: you guys are cool.

Passport photo (1992)
passport photo
Image by Mike Knell
New photo affixed to my old passport when I was 18. Taken (and, I think, printed) by me - I wonder in how many ways that photo wouldn't be acceptable for a passport issued today?

passport criminals
passport photo
Image by late night movie
We both look so Russian gangster on our passports.... Martyn and Eleni? Dmitri and Svetlana more like.

Photos from January 2009 trip to Havana, Cuba with Eleni
