
Apparaat maakt licht hoorbaar voor blinden / Blind man hearing light

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Some cool photo lighting images:

Apparaat maakt licht hoorbaar voor blinden / Blind man hearing light
photo lighting
Image by Nationaal Archief
Nationaal Archief / Spaarnestad Photo / Het Leven / Fotograaf onbekend, SFA022006765.

Blinde man test een apparaat waarmee je licht kunt horen, uitvinding voor blinden. 1912.

Hearing light with a new invented apparatus, 1912.

Collectie Spaarnestad

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004 / 365 - Colorful light
photo lighting
Image by Frank Lindecke
My last few photos dealt the theme light. So i wanted to go on with it.
During my nightly walk i saw the lights of a circus. Yesterday i bought a book about inspiration and found two techniques used in this photo. The first one is negative space and the second one explicit unsharpness.
I have made several photos today (using several techniques), but this one is the best.
